Recent sanitation surveys in the Philippines conducted by USAID have found that:
- House-to-house campaigns are the preferred outreach method for receiving information about septic tanks and household sanitation; and
- Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) are a trusted source of information for issues related to health and hygiene.
There are 310 BHWs in San Fernando City. These are highly motivated volunteers who work with families in their homes and neighborhoods on a variety of health-related issues including nutrition, child wellness, family planning, sanitation and hygiene. As the primary bridge between the city and the family on health-related issues, they are in a unique position to communicate important information at the household level on the City's efforts to improve sanitation.
The Rapid Technical Assessment that was conducted by the BHWs in San Fernando City in February 2010 identified five focus points where improvements at the household level would support the overall goal of improving sanitation in the city. As BHWs work with the families in their neighborhoods, they will identify the sanitation needs and disseminate the appropriate information. In the coming months, the promotions team will be creating the outreach materials and training the BHWs in their use.
The five focus areas for the BHW outreach campaign are:
There is an active press corps in San Fernando City, with a number of local and regional publications. Stories and feature articles about the City's efforts in improving sanitation in the community through sewerage and septage management will help to spread the word about the program. The City communications office will be tapped to coordinate the outreach messages.

A recent survey indicated that many people in the Philippines rely on the radio for information and news. The outreach campaign will target radio talk shows and news programs for information dissemination. The promotions team will conduct an information awareness seminar for key people who can serve as a cadre of experts who can be tapped for radio news and talk show interviews. The seminar will provide talking points, frequently asked questions and answers, and general information about the sewerage and septage program, so all experts are speaking with a unified voice on the issues.
Other Outreach Measures
In addition to the above, promotional posters will be created to post at barangay halls and public buildings. Information fliers and brochures will also be created for distribution through water bills, the BHW door-to-door campaigns, and other outreach opportunities.
These outputs will be:

The five focus areas for the BHW outreach campaign are:
- General information about the city's sewerage and septage management program and how participation in the program helps improve environmental health in the community;
- Proper care and use of septic tanks. This includes information on what should and should not be placed in the septic tank, as well as signs that indicate septic tanks should be desludged;
- How to install proper septic tank cleanouts. The Rapid Technical Assessment indicated that 50% of the septic tanks in San Fernando City have no cleanouts, or only one (there should be a minimum of two for proper desludging). Installing a proper cleanout is easy, and the BHWs will distribute information on how to accomplish this, or who to contact for assistance;
- Improving pit toilets. There are approximately 1,880 unimproved pit toilets in San Fernando City. In many instances, these discharge wastewater directly to our drinking water aquifers. The BHWs will distribute information on simple measures that can be taken to improve pit toilets to minimize pollution, odor and flies; and
- Grey water treatment. Drainage from sinks, laundry washing and showers can be a health hazard if allowed to pond around residential housing. Ponded grey water turns black (septic), smells bad, attracts flies and mosquitoes, and contains pathogens that can make our children sick. The BHWs will distribute information on proper treatment and reuse of grey water to families where this situation is evident.
There is an active press corps in San Fernando City, with a number of local and regional publications. Stories and feature articles about the City's efforts in improving sanitation in the community through sewerage and septage management will help to spread the word about the program. The City communications office will be tapped to coordinate the outreach messages.

A recent survey indicated that many people in the Philippines rely on the radio for information and news. The outreach campaign will target radio talk shows and news programs for information dissemination. The promotions team will conduct an information awareness seminar for key people who can serve as a cadre of experts who can be tapped for radio news and talk show interviews. The seminar will provide talking points, frequently asked questions and answers, and general information about the sewerage and septage program, so all experts are speaking with a unified voice on the issues.
Other Outreach Measures
In addition to the above, promotional posters will be created to post at barangay halls and public buildings. Information fliers and brochures will also be created for distribution through water bills, the BHW door-to-door campaigns, and other outreach opportunities.
These outputs will be:
- Focused
- Audience-driven
- Behavior-change directed
- Research-based
- Measurable
- Creative