Eco Tanks are innovative small-scale sewerage treatment systems composed of a disposal tank that receives and purifies wastewater before discharging it into the environment. The compact, ready-made septic tank works independently and without power supply using anaerobic bacteria to bio-chemically transform wastewater into a safe, non-contaminated effluent. It is capable of treating all kinds of wastewater from buildings, including toilets, sinks and kitchen as well as treating sewage of up to 750 persons a day. It can also be used to treat organic waste and turn it into compost.
Eco tanks are manufactured by Premier Products Co., Ltd. of Thailand, a manufacturer of high quality water and wastewater treatment equipment and construction products.

- Bgy San Fernando beach sheds
- Bgy Canaoay ocean front homes
- City Hall complex
- Bgy Poro near the EcoSan Village
- Public restrooms at the City Plaza
The selected site will demonstrate the Eco Tank unit, sewage collection system, and the process used to develop sustainable sewerage programs.
Premier Products to Visit San Fernando City
Premier Products engineers will visit San Fernando City between May 18 and May 21 to view the potential project sites, select a preferred site, and begin the process of designing the wastewater system. The Technical Working Group's Infrastructure Team will work hand in hand with the Preferred Products engineers to help document the process for future replication. Construction is scheduled to begin in June, 2010.
Check back to learn about updates of this exciting project, and view the photos from the construction site.