Septage is what is inside your septic tank. It includes solids and liquids that come from your toilet, sinks, kitchen and laundry.
Is septage dangerous?
Yes. Sewage from your house, and septage in your septic tank contain pathogens that can make you and your family sick. If it overflows, or seeps into our groundwater or streams, it can cause serious health problems in your community.
What is septage management?
It is our city’s program for managing septic tanks, which includes regular desludging (every 5 years), transporting, treating and properly disposing of septic tank contents.
Why do we need septage management?
Dirty water from your septic tank can contaminate your well or that of your neighbors, and causes foul odors. By having your septic tank desludged regularly, your septic tank can function properly and reduce the spread of water-borne diseases like diarrhea and cholera.
Is it required by law?
Yes, the Clean Water Act of 2004 requires all local government units to implement septage management programs in areas without piped sewerage systems. The Sanitation Code of San Fernando City requires all septic tanks to be desludged once every five years.
How do I know if I have a septic tank?
Often, there are access ports you can find in and around your home. Check the kitchen and comfort room for tank lids that can be lifted or pried up.
Who will desludge our septic tank?
Licensed private companies hired by the City government.
How does the desludging service work?
- Check your barangay hall for the schedule of desludging in your area.
- Make sure you are at home when your turn comes. You will need to open your septic tank access ports.
How much will it cost?
The city will begin adding a Wastewater Management Fee onto the Real Property Tax bill in January 2011. All residents will benefit from the various wastewater management projects in the city, including septage management, so all RPT payers will be charged the fee for each building they own. The City Council is currently deliberating on the amount of the fee.
Can I be exempted from paying the Wastewater Management Fee if I don’t have a septic tank?
No. All building owners will benefit from a cleaner environment and better health, so all will pay. Those without septic tanks are required to build one or utilize another approved wastewater management system.
What should I do if I need to have my septic tank desludged out of schedule?
Residents can request an out-of-schedule desludging by contact the City Environment and Natural Resources Office. A fee will be charged for out of schedule desludging that is payable to the City Treasurer’s Office.
Where is this septage facility going to be located?
Next to the landfill. We have some land set aside there.
More questions? Give us a call at City Hall. Thanks for your interest in this program.