The infrastructure for the septage component will include a septage truck for use by the city in desludging septic tanks for city-owned institutional buildings (schools, offices, etc.), and a septage treatment facility where desludgers can safely and economically discharge their wastes.
The Septage Component Will:
- Fund the construction of a septage treatment facility
- Fund the purchase of a septage truck for use by the city
- Involve the private sector desludgers through service contracts
- Eliminate illegal septage discharges while improving wastewater management at the household level
Infrastructure for sewerage includes devices such as septic tanks, sewer lines and treatment facilities. While the sewerage component of this project is not as large as the septage management activities, they will have an important role as models for future development.
The Sewerage Component Will:
- Identify areas of the city where people are at risk from improper sewage disposal
- Install low cost treatment systems for selected areas
- Demonstrate appropriate technology for addressing wastewater treatment for the urban poor

Stay tuned to this section of this website to learn about other specific activities, issues or technologies that may be considered for this project.