The aim of the conference was to describe the recent and proposed efforts by San Fernando City to improve sanitation, including the pilot testing of EcoSan waterless toilets, a public market wastewater treatment facility, and its USAID/Rotary project to form a septage collection and treatment program in the city, which was officially launched at the conference. The conference also featured expert information and advice about sanitation from various industry professionals, including a low-tech wastewater treatment contractor, a green products supplier, and the Center for Advanced Philippine Studies. A media briefing was also held by USAID, Rotary, and San Fernando representatives to publicize the project. On the second day of the proceedings, a sanitation action planning workshop was held to stimulate and exchange sanitation ideas between the conference participants, which was followed by a tour to San Fernando's sanitation projects for visiting participants.
With this successful launch, the San Fernando sanitation project now moves into its substantive phases, with plans for the septage treatment plant and urban sewerage with EcoTanks portions being rapidly finalised. Pilot areas for EcoTank sewage treatment will be then selected, while ground will soon be broken for the septage treatment plant. Stay tuned for more updates as they happen!