Editor's Note: Barangay Health Workers will be taking on an important role in the USAID-Rotary San Fernando City Sewerage and Septage Management program, by helping spread the word about sanitation. To assist them in their jobs, the project team will be conducting training sessions specifically for BHWs in San Fernando City. These will be a series of one day training events, the first of which is detailed below.
Barangay Health Worker Training - Day 1
Venue - Various
Date - November 9-12th
Cost to Attend - Free for all San Fernando City BHWs
Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) are the front liners in communicating information about sanitation to families in the Philippines. In San Fernando City, there are 310 BHWs working in 59 barangays that work as volunteers to help improve health and wellness in their neighborhoods and communities. According to Mayor Ortega, " these are highly motivated, selfless and dedicated people who are working every day to improve life in our city, and we all owe them our gratitude."

In February, 2010, BHWs, with the assistance of certified plumbers and engineers, conducted Rapid Technical Assessments in 15 barangays to identify issues related to sanitation. During the assessment, they visited 150 homes, interviewed residents, and observed sanitation practices related to wastewater discharge and septic tanks. As a result of the survey, a baseline was established that shows the current situation as far as septic tank desludging, as well as the knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to sewerage and septage management.
Pictured: BHWs prepare for rapid assessments
BHW Training Program - Goal
The goal of the BHW training program is to provide useful and practical information about how families can take simple steps to improve sanitation. This will include general information on how families can participate in the city septage management program, how to properly use and desludge septic tanks, and how to reduce odors, flies and other nuisances that result in poor wastewater management practices.
The training will be conducted by project team members, Sanitary Engineers (SEs) and Sanitary Inspectors (SIs). It will include class room style lectures, and small group roleplaying where BHWs can practice the techniques presented.
UPDATE: On October 21st, 2010 50 Sanitary Inspectors, Midwives and a few select BHWs were trained on the new City of San Fernando Sanitation Program. The training of trainers one day workshop was a joint effort on the parts of AECOM/USAID and the City of San Fernando. The participants from this one day ToT workshop will be passing their knowledge onto the City's BHWs.
Schedule of Training Components
8:00 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:30 Introductions and Motivational Address
9:30 - 10:00 Sanitation Basics - What is a Septic Tank and How Does it Work
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break - Networking
10:30 - 11:00 Communications Strategies for BHWs
11:00 - 11:30 San Fernando City's - Septage Management Program
11:30 - 12:00 How Septage Management Improves Environmental Health in Our Neighborhoods and City
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch - Networking
1:30 - 3:00 Role Playing Session 1 - General Communications Strategies for Sanitation and Hygiene
3:00 - 3:30 Coffee break - networking
3:30 - 5:00 Role Playing Session 2 - Sharing Information on the City Septage Management Program