Welcome to our site! We are excited to use the power of the Internet to help us manage our project while doing our best to keep the public informed about our activities regarding sanitation. This web page will also help us to maintain transparency, serve as a simple way to access information, and link the Technical Working Group with other stakeholders throughout the region.
While this is a project about improving sanitation in San Fernando City by implementing septage management and sewerage systems, it is also about health, pride of community and economic development. Thanks to funding by USAID and Rotary International, the San Fernando City Sewerage and Septage Management Project is now underway.
We hope you use this web page to learn about our activities, participate in meetings and give us feed back. Use the resources listed to track our progress and to improve sanitation in your own home and neighborhoods. Below this message you will find a monthly calendar where meetings and events will be posted. We will update this frequently to keep you informed of all of our project-related activities.
We hope you will become active participants in our program, and take on the challenge of improving sanitation in our City.
Thank you,
Pablo C. Ortega, Mayor